Essay Activity
Essay writing is one of the skills that gives students an opportunity to articulate their thoughts from their own perspective. Apart from enhancing their creativity, it gives them a chance to display their flair for the language. It also trains their thoughts, organizes them to be well presented. It's a fair chance to discover themselves. Hence, through this ISA Activity - River, the life giver, students having understood the value and importance of a River, now will apply their knowledge to understand the reason behind River conflicts and give their perspective on the role of Government and human rights activists in resolving these issues. Through this they will also enhance their 'Descriptive writing' skill and learn to present their findings in an organized fashion.
Topic: River conflicts and the significance of the role played by government officials and human rights activists in settling these disputes
Grades: VII and VIII
The Activity Description
• •The students of Grades-7 and 8 were briefed upon how a river crosses political divisions and can become a reason of conflicts some times through a collection of pictures from News websites and News papers
•The topic ‘‘River Conflicts and the significance of the roles played by the Government officials and human rights activists in settling these disputes’ was announced.
•The English teacher briefed upon the techniques of ‘How to write a good Essay’
•It was then assigned as a Holiday Homework
•The students submitted their first drafts of their essays after the holidays.
•The Essays were proof read by the English teacher and the comments to improvise were written on the student Essays.
•The Essays were proof read by the English teacher and the comments to improvise were written on the student Essays.
•The teacher reiterated the Key features of Essay writing through another Lecture
•The students made notes on how to improvise their Essays.
•The Essay writing activity was then conducted
•The students compared their first drafts and final drafts and evaluated themselves.
•Teacher evaluated the final drafts according to the set rubrics.
Final Student Essays
By SakshiI Ganapathy
By Priya Gutthi
By Brandon Meagher
Final Student Essays
By SakshiI Ganapathy
By Priya Gutthi
By Joshua Samuel
By Tholakari
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